Friday, January 25, 2013

My organic Journey

Hey Sassparillas hope everyone is well! I've started back to school so hopefully my professors will go easy on me and I'll still have plenty of time for A Class of Sass blogging as you guys are so important to me and I love doing this. I have so many Ideas for A Class of Sass I sometimes have to reel myself in lol. What can I say I'm a true Pisces and we are dreamers! Anywho on to my post ...So recently my fiance and I watched the movie Food Inc. Now if you haven't watched this movie I have two things to say 1. As an animal lover it is not easy to watch 2. I feel everyone should watch it so the world can be more responsible with the way we eat. It has opened my eyes to what "eating organically" really means. I will NEVER again buy food that isn't organic and have already started converting our household over to being completely organic. It is not easy , its more expensive, but its worth it! I am still doing lots of research and learning what it means to live organically so I thought I would take you all on this journey with me and share my learning with you all.

Because I want to switch over the entire household that will eventually mean my makeup/beauty products as well (this will be the most difficult for me I believe) but I am going to do it. Some problems I've run into is that in our local grocery stores there is not an abundance of organic products to chose from. (Stop and Shop seems to have the best selection) Our immediate area has no Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. So today we went to a local food co-op in the area called Fiddleheads and were absolutely thrilled by its selection of organics. They had everything from food to cleaning products, to pet care, and beauty items. Another problem is that living organically is not cheap! Just the items we bought today all in the pic below cost us about 50 dollars


 so when your family lives by a budget the way ours does it can be difficult. One thing that will help us though is that The food co-op Fiddleheads that we were in today had a very nice man (a volunteer) explain that if you volunteer in the store for 5 hours a month you get 5% off your purchases and if you do 10 hrs per month you would get 10% off which I think is great! I was also told that you can become a member of the co-op you get another 2% off . So all that can add up! I still have a lot to learn but what I learned today is that just talking to people in the organic community is so helpful, and most i've encountered have been so nice and willing to share what they know for the cause!
I'm really enjoying this journey thus far and I can't wait to see what the world of Organic living has in store! Until next time... Thanks for visiting A Class of Sass!


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