Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Top 5 Beauty/Fashion Apps

Hello my Sassy sassparillas! (sorry thats over the top but i've got some extra sass pent up)
Today im just going to be doing a fun little post on my top fashion /beauty apps ( I took some screen shots of them from my phone so you can get a feel for what it is a little bit more than just me telling you.

1.Polyvore- This is my tippity top fave right now , it is just so much fun! Basically it is the most amazing virtual closet where you can build looks from start to finish. clothes are seperated by tops ,pants,jeans,etc.. you can also choose accesories and handbags! I get lost for hours using this app here is the screenshot

2. Next up is The E Fashion Police App its just as entertaining as the show itself , with the added feature of being able to vote on who wore the look better etc...

3.The next app I am really excited about although I have yet to use it (saving it as a project for a rainy day) Its called CLOTH , and it is basically an outfit diary for you. you can photograph outfits you have put together and enjoy and it stores it in an album for you. There is also an in app upgrade to add a weather component where the app will let you know which of your outfits will work for the current weather conditions. Pretty Snazzy I think! Here is a screenshot for that one...

4. BeautyLish is another great app that has really useful beauty tips, makeup tutorials and hairstyles. It is really easy to navigate and just a handy thing to have!

5. This last one is just something to pass the time if your bored and lookin for some mindless fashion fun to get ya through . Its Called Fashion Logo Quiz . If this app does nothing else it surely proves that advertising and marketing are effective tools in burning these images into our brains! Anyway it amuses me...(its the small things people)

Well my lovies that's all to this blog post, but stay tuned there's always more to come.....

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