Monday, January 7, 2013

Buy full size or Sample Sadness?!

Hello to all my sassy ladies! First off let me say Happy 2013 to you all! Then secondly i'd like to apologize for not blogging for a bit, the holidays have been quite busy and I decided to wait until the crazy holiday brain fog had lifted to do a blog post. Last but not least although fitness is definitely something I consider a part of a well balanced beauty routine I am not by any means very knowledgeable on the subject. With that being said my bestie Marissa has started a motivational health and fitness blog and I would love for you to check it out! I will link her url at the end of this post! Ok now that all the necessary updates have been made Lets get to my beauty samples product reviews shall we?

The First Product I received a sample of is LOVERDOSE perfume by Diesel
I Absolutely will be buying the full size of this perfume !! I love it ! The scent is almost a black licorice smell which I know you are probably thinking is weird but it really does remind  me of it. ( side note I am on a low carb low sugar diet so that may be why it smells like licorice to me lol) If any of you have ever smelled the men's cologne Joop it almost smells like a more feminine version of that. Plus the bottle is so darn cute!

The Next Sample I tried Is Lancome Genifique Serum , I'm not even going to put a picture of it because I don't want you to waste your time looking at it. This product for sure gave me sample sadness! ( which, by the way is a clinical term for emotional upset over a product that doesn't work) I used this serum for about a week and a half and saw none of the effects the product claims like a more youthful appearance etc I still wake up looking 30 every day and we all know that ain't no prize ( if your under 30 I'm jealous and you'll see in a few years) so I will not be buying the full size of this product especially at 60-80 dollars a pop. But if for some reason after putting it on tonight , I wake up tomorrow with the skin of Suri Cruise I will retract all negative commentary :)

Last but Not least Is a sample of a knockoff to the Wen Shampoo line that I'm sure you've all seen the infomercial for. The Brand is Hair One and I purchased this product sample size at sally's for $5.99
The one I purchased was for color treated hair and I adore this product. I hate really sudsy shampoos because the more it suds the more it strips your hair of its  natural oils and tends to dry it out . The idea behind cleansing conditioner is that you cleanse while conditioning and there are NO SUDS! Therefore leaving as much of the natural oils in your hair as possible. I loved this so much I went out and bought the full size the next day for 11.99 which is a steal compared to its brand name counterpart WEN for like 35.00 a bottle. I would definitely recommend checking out this product.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post please leave a comment below if there is a certain product you would like me to review and or a certain blogpost you would like me to do next!

Link to Marissa's blog WEIGHTING NO LONGER

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