Saturday, December 8, 2012

Vitamin's ,starting beauty on the inside!

Ok so here's the skinny on beauty from the inside out! Often times I hear women complain about there skin or hair seeming dull, or there nails being thin and brittle so I thought i'd do a blog post on my vitamin routine and the benefits to taking vitamins as part of your everyday beauty routine.I am going to list each vitamin I take and there benefits. Like the rest of our body, hair also relies on adequate amounts of nutrients for maintaining their health and growth. And these nutrients reach the hair follicles from a healthy and well balanced diet. Now how many of us actually eat  a truly well balanced diet. We wont kid ourselves take the vitamins!

1. Biotin- Biotin is a b class vitamin with one of its main benefits being that it stimulates hair growth! Scientific evidence has linked biotin to alleviating hair thinning. If you believe your hair is thinning you may be biotin deficient (which you can be tested for by your doctor) in which case this would be a great vitamin for you to try. I buy a cheapie brand and I will link the picture below.

2. Folic Acid-  have you ever noticed how amazing a pregnant woman's hair looks and how fast it grows? Well that is because of the prenatal vitamins they take during there pregnancy. Pregnant women need a high intake of folic acid for uterine health , but an amazing side effect is great healthy hair. While you want the folic acid you don't need the excessive amounts of other vitamins in a prenatal so just skip to the source and that's a folic acid vitamin. also another cheapie!

3. Lastly I will say that any vitamin that boosts collagen production will be great for your hair skin and nails and drink water !! In order for vitamins to work properly they should be consumed with lots of water . It helps with your bodies absorption of the vitamin itself. 

*these vitamins i've listed are by no means the only ones that have beneficial side effects for your hair skin or nails , they are just the ones that I personally use and work for me!*

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